Showing posts with label Korean culture and K-POP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Korean culture and K-POP. Show all posts

Monday, August 17, 2015

Viaje a Corea - Las 4 estaciones en Corea del Sur /한국의 사계절

A mi me gusta viajar mucho.
Aprovechando las imagenes que yo saque viajando en cada estacion distinta en Corea
Yo quisiera presentar los paisajes lindos de Corea del sur.

Por medio de esta entrada yo doy la informacion sobre cada lugar que aparece 
en el video emitido.

* El video les mostra las 4 estaciones tan distinta y hermosa.

1) Yeong Wol - Kang Won Do / Primavera
Este lugar es muy famoso por su paisaje de las naturalezas.
Sobre todo ustedes podra ver un punto de mirada que se parece como
el continente de Corea

Aqui ustedes podran tambien tomar una balsa como del video
Si quieren tener mas informacion, favor refieran la siguiente pagina

2) Isala de Jeju / Verano

Como ustedes saben Isla de Jeju es un lugar mas favorito de mi.
Cada vez que yo quiero relajarme, yo tomo el avion a viajar a la isala.

El lugar donde se mostra en el video se llama "Seongsan Ilchulbong "
(성산일출봉) Aqui es muy famoso mundialmente

Desde la entrada hasta la cumbre solo se tarda por 20 minutos.

3) Isla de Jeju /  Otoño 

Este lugar con muchas  cañas es tambien de Jeju
En Jeju hay muchas crestas que brindan buenas miradas
Sobre todo este lugar es uno de los mejores

Su nombre es "Yong Nun I Orum" (용눈이 오름)

Este lugar es un punto famoso por las cañas pero
se las pueden ver solo en Otoño

4) Parque nacional de Deogyusan / Invierno

Es un parque donde mucha gente busca a tomar esqui 
Es un poco raro que un parque nacional esta con un campo
del esqui pero gracias el campo del esqui se puede subir hasta
la cumbre sin sufrir, tu podras subir comprando solamente un boleto
de ferrocarril funicular. (Lo vale solo 8 mil wones - ida y vuelta)

* Al subir la cumbre tu podras disfrutar los paisajes hermosos
Pero cuidate ! todo el mundo ya estara congelado

Para mas informacion, favor referir la pagina de abajo

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Lugares turisticos en Corea del sur - 전주 한옥마을 (Jeon Ju Han ok maul)

Lugares turisticos en Corea del sur - 전주 한옥마을 (Jeon Ju Han ok maul)

Yo a mi me gusta mucho viajar y conocer los lugares desconocidos.
Cada vez que yo visito a los nuevos lugares yo siempre traigo los recuerdos tan buenos que me quedara por siempre.

Hoy les recomendo un lugar turistico en Corea del sur para compartir mis emociones que tuve en ese lugar.
El lugar se llama 전주 한옥마을 (Jeon Ju Han ok maul)

Es muy famoso por los paisajes tradicionales de Corea.
Y se puede ver las cajas construidas por la forma tradicional.

Nosotros llamamos este tipo de caja como "한옥 -Hanok"
Esto significa como una casa tipica de Corea.

Cada esquina y calle se mantien este ambiente tan especial.
(Por este motivo vienen muchos extranjeros para sentir el ambiente)

La aparencia del pueblo se ve tan especial pero algunas partes del pueblo ya estan
medio mesclado con las cosas modernas.

Pero gracias al desarrollo y cosas modernas usted podran disfrutar hasta las comidas coreanas
en el pueblo mismo.

*Hay los restaurantes , ventas del queso, pulpo.

Ver y conover, visitar es mucho mejor que leer sobre el lugar y escuchar.
Asi que si usted ya esta en Corea o tiene un plan de viajar, yo le recomendo
conocer este lugar tan hermoso.

Yo adjunto tambien la manera para llegar al lugar.

Para ir a este lugar, por favor refiera lo siguiente

*Si usted vive en Seul, tome el bus en la estacion de "Central City"
 (en metro =고속터미널 역)

Aqui se vende el billete para la estacion de Jeon Ju (전주고속버스터미널)

*Se tardara por alrededor de 3 horas.
 Despues de llegar a la estacion, tome un taxi y pida al taxista hablando en coreano
 "전주 한옥마을로 가주세요"

 Si quiere tomar un bus, claro hay una linea que alcanza hasta el destino pero como la distancia es tan corta desde la estacion yo quisiera recomendar tomar el taxi (Le cobraria solo por 3,000 won como 3 USD)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Un Show coreano mas popular por los coreanos y los asiaticos - 런닝맨 /Runnin man (Perfil de los miembros de RUNNING MAN )

 런닝맨 /Runnin man (Perfil de los miembros de RUNNING MAN )


Running Man es un programa de TV Show de Corea delSur; una parte de SBS, y se lo emite en cada domingo.

Fue emitido por primera vez desde 11 de julio,

2010. Este espectáculo fue clasificada como una "variedad de acción urbana"; un nuevo programa lo cual nunca antes fue visto en TV.

Este TV Show ahora esta muy popular en otras partes de Asia,  y gano mucha popularidad en línea entre Hallyu (Ola Coreana) fans,
ademas ya fue sido subtitulado en varios idiomas por voluntarios, tales como Inglés, español, francés, tailandés, malayo, vietnamita, chino, árabe y portugués de Brasil

Perfil de los miembros de RUNNING MAN 

Yoo Jae Suk
Sobre nombre : Un MC de nacion, NO1 MC, Yoo Hyuk, Yooruce Willis

El principal conductor del programa y conocido durante las misiones de carrera por sus habilidades escapan.
Es una persona mas famosa y mas querida por los coreanos.

Como es el MC principal, el programa siempre se dirige por el.

A pesar de inicialmente se ve como un jugador débil durante las misiones de carreras, que más tarde se convierte en uno de los jugadores más fuertes de la serie.

Lee Kwang Soo
Sobre nombre: Jirafa, Kwang-vatar

El miembro más joven y más alto del elenco y introducidas inicialmente junto a Gary como uno de los "novatos variedad"

debido a su falta de experiencia en programas como esta forma del Show, antes de Running Man.
Pero ahora se convertio como un icono de traidor.

Durante los juegos el actua mas graciosamente pero por el este programa este teniendo mas popularidad

Kim Jong Kook
Sobre nombre:  Tigre, El Comandante

El hombre más fuerte en el show, Kim Jong-kook es conocido por su fuerza y ​​habilidad durante las misiones de carrera. Durante las misiones, es

conocido por sus apariciones repentinas que a menudo son acompañados por el soundbite "Sparta!" tomado de la película, 300. Sus tácticas inteligentes suelen ser exitosas para eliminar a los demás miembros y, como resultado, él es conocido por tener dos cerebros y músculos.

Ji Suk Jin
Sobre nombre: Naris grande (Wang Ko), Impala

El miembro más antiguo de la serie y uno de los amigos más cercanos de Yu Jae-suk, conociendo entre sí por más de 20 años. Él se demuestra que es celoso de la buena relación entre Yu Jae-suk y Kim Jong-kook. Durante las misiones de carreras, que se demuestra que es uno de los más débiles

miembros y es la más fácil de eliminar con frecuencia fuera del reparto, con tanta facilidad que los demás miembros se declaran que la carrera ha comenzado oficialmente después de su eliminación.

Song Ji Hyo
Sobre nombre: Ace, Mong Ji-hyo

La única mujer miembro actual de la serie, y en un principio sólo apareció como invitada, pero esta en el elenco principal en el episodio 6. Durante

los episodios anteriores, Song Ji-hyo se conocen a menudo a jurar durante las transmisiones en especial hacia Ja, ja y Lee Kwang-su.

Y ahora ella se convertio como una de los jugadores más fuertes y se conoce por su inteligencia comparable a Kim Jong-kook.

Sobre nombre: Pacifista Gary

Destacado como uno de los "novatos variedad", Gary se conoce como Pacífica Gary por sus expresiones faciales tranquilas durante los Juegos
Ahora el tiene una linea del amor con Song Ji Hyo en el Show.

Sobre nombre:  Haroro

El se recogió por otros miembros debido a su altura y su apariencia similar a Pororo el pequeño pingüino.
 Él fue inicialmente un jugador débil durante las misiones de carreras,pero teniendo mas experiencia es reconocido por menudencia  e inteligencia

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Quienes son K-POP STAR,TVXQ y JYJ ( Junsu/Jejung/Yuchun) /DBSK (東方神起 / 동방신기) - nueva album de JYJ

LA FIEBRE DEL KAKAO | Objetivo Corea JYJ (conocidos como Junsu/Jejung/Yuchun ) es una boyband (Grupo) de Corea del Sur formada por 3 ex-miembros de TVXQ / DBSK (東方神起 / 동방신기).

  Yuchun (믹키유천),Junsu (시아준수), Jaejoong (김재중)

Su debut en el idioma japonés fue con su miniálbum The… el 8 de Septiembre del 2010 que alcanzó el puesto número uno en el Oricon albums chart #1.
El álbum debut de la banda a nivel mundial, The Beginning, fue lanzado en Octubre del 2010.

Comeback (Regreso) de JYJ con nuevo album " Just US"

El 27 de Julio, la agencia oficial de JYJ, C-jes Enter,pubulico las fotos nuevas de cada uno de JYJ. (Los miembros en el estudio de grabacion, mientras se preparan para su regreso y nuevo album)

Como pueden verse en las fotos, cada uno de ellos estan frente al microfono haciendo la grabacion y dice que ellos estan ecando sus corazones para poner sus agaradecimientos hacia los fans los cuales esperaron hasta ahora, en el album.

Ademas una fuentes que estaba en el estudio con JYJ compartio, " los tres miembros querian expresar el mismo mensaje pormedio de su nuevo album.
 Didicaron su corazon y su alma a la grabacion para crear un album perfecto.

Mientras tanto, el nuevo album de JYJ estara disponible desde el dia 29 de Julio.

Lista de canciones:

4. 7살 [Traducción: '7- años de edad'']
6. So So
7. 새벽 두시 반 [Trans: 'Las dos y media de la mañana]
9. 서른.. [Trans: 'Treinta..']
11. DEAR J

Ellos siguen siendo uno de los grupos mas populares pero estan sufriendo por la
obstruccion de la empresa que se encargaba su promicion cuando ellos fueron
TVXQ. Por esa empresa aun no estan podiendo salir en los canales de television

Friday, May 8, 2015

English Seoul subway (route) map / Seoul subway map in English /Mapa del metro en seul, Corea del sur

Mapa del metro en seul, Corea del sur English Seoul subway map / Mapa del metro de Seul
This map is an english seoul subway(route) map.
But not recent version, but you can use this for your trip at least.

There are 8 lines in different color for the identification of each line

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Korean Language Guide(Korean Greetings & Introductions in English and Spanish) /Saludos y presentacion en Coreano

Korean Language Guide

* Greetings & Introductions

English                     Pronunciation                        Korean           Spanish
Hello, how are you?    Ahn nyeong hasehoy?(formal)   안녕하세요       Como esta?

Hello/Good bye         Ahn nyeing(informal)               안녕.               Hola?

Hello (on the phone)   Yuh boh seh yo.                    여보세요.          Alo 

(when you're leaving)  Ahn nyong hi geh seh yo.        안녕히계세요     Hasta luego

(When you're staying)  Ahn nyong hi gah seh yo.      안녕히가세요.    Hasta luego

Yes                          Ye or Ne                              예 or 네         Si

No                           Ahniyo                                아니요.           No

Thank you              Gahm sah hamnida                   감사합니다       Gracias
                           Go mab seumnida                    고맙습니다.      
                           (less formal)

You're welcome         Cheonmanhneyo.                    천만에요         De nada

I'm sorry                 Jeh sohng hamnida                  죄송합니다.      Disculpe

Pleased to 
meet you              Mannaseo bahngapseumnida      만나서반갑습니다. Mucho gusto

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Gyeongbokgung Guide(Royal palace of South Korea),경복궁,Time table(Hour and Admissions)

Gyeongbokgung Time table(Hour and Admissions)

About Gyeongbokgung (Royal palace of South Korea)
It was in 1395, three years after the Joseon
Dynasty was founded by King Taejo (Yi Seong-gye), when the construction of the main royal palace was completed after the capital of the newly founded dynasty moved from Gaeseong to Seoul (then known as Hanyang). The palace 

was named Gyeongbokgung, the "Palace Greatly Blessed by Heaven." With Mount Bugaksan to its rear and Mount 

Namsan in the foreground, the site of Gyeongbokgung Palace was at the heart of Seoul and, indeed, deemed auspicious according to the traditional practice of geomancy. In front of Gwanghwamun Gate, the main entrance to the palace, ran Yukjo-geori (Street of Six Ministries, today's Sejongno), home to major government offices. Along the central axis upon which Gwanghwamun Gate stood was the nucleus of the palace, including the throne hall, 

council hall and king's residence.
The government ministry district and main buildings of Gyeongbokgung Palace formed the heart of the capital city of Seoul and represented the sovereignty of the Joseon Dynasty. After all the palaces in the capital were razed by the Japanese during the Hideyoshi invasions of 1592-'98, Changdeokgung, a secondary palace, was rebuilt and served as the main palace. Gyeongbokgung Palace was left derelict for the next 273 years.

It was finally reconstructed in 1867 by the order of the Prince Regent. The palace Prince Regent Heungseon reconstructed was markedly different from the original. Some 500 buildings were built on a site of over 40 hectares and constituted a small city. 

The architectural principles of ancient China were harmoniously 
incorporated into both the tradition and the appearance of the Joseon royal court. Gyeongbokgung Palace was largely torn down during the Japanese occupation. ninety three percent of the restored buildings were dismantled, Gwanghwamun Gate was dismantled and relocated to the east, and an enormous building housing the Japanese Government-General was constructed in front of the main sector of the palace. 

An effort to fully restore Gyeongbokgung Palace to its former glory has been ongoing since 1990. The Japanese Government-General building was finally removed, and Heungnyemun Gate was restored to its original state. The royal living quarters and the East Palace for the crown prince were also restored to their original state.

Hours 09:00~18:00(Final admission at 17:00)
           June through August    09:00~18:30(Final admission at 17:30)
           November through February 09:00~17:00(Final admission at 16:00)
          Closed on Tuesdays
Admissions Regular Tours
Age 19~64:  3,000 won /  2.400 won ( group, 10 or more ) 
Age 7~18:  1,500 won /  1,200 won ( group, 10 or more ) 

* Free: Children(Ages 6 and under), Ages 65 and above
* With the purchase of a book of Combination Tickets (adults 10,000won, Youth 5,000won),
   one admission for each of the five different palaces is available within one month. 
   (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung - the Secret Garden included, Changgyeonggung, 
   Deoksugung and Jongmyo Shrine).

Tour in foreign languages
English : 11:00, 13:30, 15:30
Japanese : 10:00, 12:30, 14:30
Chinese : 10:30, 13:00, 15:00

Free Guided Tours

Tour starts in front of Gyeongbokgung Information Center inside the Heungnyemun Gate. Tour lasts for an hour to an hour and thirty minutes.

▶Groups with 10 or more people must make a reservation in advance.
▶Total number of group participants for a tour is limited to 30.
▶Individuals less than 10 people can join the same tour without a reservation.
▶Both the reserved groups and unreserved individuals are guided together by only one guide at a team


Monday, December 1, 2014

Korean typical food-3 "Bibimbap" , bibimbap history,calories,How to eat bibimbap,(resepi,recipe)

Bibimbap – Korean Mixed Rice with Meat and Assorted Vegetables

Have you ever heared about Bibimbap?

Bibimbap (비빔밥) is probably one of the most well-known and beloved Korean dishes to many people.

Even if people don’t know anything about Korea, it’s not too difficult to find people who had Bibimbap sometime in their lives. 

Bibimbap simply translates to “mixed rice with meat and assorted vegetables“. 

You can make endless variations to this dish depending on your preference and dietary requirements (e.g. Saessak:(micro leaves) Bibimbap and various Bibimbap toppings) and also based on the dish/bowl it is served in (e.g. Dolsot:(hot stone bowl) Bibimbap and Yangpun Bibimbap).

More traditional and authentic versions of Bibimbap are served with raw beef and raw egg yolk along with other vegetables but I prefer making it with cooked ingredients

* Bibimbap simple recipe and its ingredients

1 cup steamed medium-grain rice
2 cups mixed raw vegetables, such as julienned carrot, zucchini, cucumber, radish, green       onion, and bean sprouts
1 tsp low-sodium soy sauce (more to taste, if needed)
2 tsp sugar
3 large cloves garlic, minced (about 2 tsp)
1 tsp freshly grated ginger
1 tsp toasted sesame oil
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
6 oz 95% lean ground beef
3 tbsp gochujang sauce
2 eggs
Julienned nori, kimchi, and toasted sesame seeds for garnish (optional)

Directions for Bibimbap

1) Divide rice and vegetables between two serving bowls and set aside. In a mixing bowl, combine soy sauce, sugar, garlic, ginger, sesame oil, and pepper. Add beef, using a fork to break it up, and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 15 minutes to 1 hour.

2)In a skillet over medium-high heat, combine beef with marinade and stir frequently until just cooked through, about 5 minutes.

3)Spoon beef over rice, reserving cooking juices. Mix juices with gochujang sauce.

4) Fry eggs sunny-side up and place one on top of each beef-andrice bowl. Garnish to taste and serve with gochujang sauce.

Nutritional Facts per serving

FAT 9.6 G

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The most visited Dental Clinic by foreigners and celebrities in Korea (Apgujeong - Seoul-South korea)

The most visited Dental Clinic by foreigners and celebrities in Korea 

Are you living in Korea ? and need to make an appointment with a Doctor for your tooth
So you sholud know some Dental Clinic that offer you an English speaker.

There is a Dental clinic that offer you service with English speaking doctor.

Hus-hu Dental Clinic understand exactly what foreign patients want.
Educational and cultural backgrounds of our dentists allow them to render the most up-to-date dental services closest to what foreign 

patients receive in their home countries. Friendly bilingual staff will explain your treatment plan and answer your inquires in detail.

It's located in Apgujeong , Seoul
For more information, please refer to below URL

* I don't have any relationship with them :)
*  For your reference I put some korean words
Dental clinic in Korean = 치과
Tooth = 이빨
Doctor = 의사
Toothpast = 치약
Clinic= 병원

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Korean typical food-2 Samgyeopsal(korean style bacon)

Korean typical food-2 
Samgyeopsal(korean style bacon)

Today I introduce some korean typical food that is the most popular.

This is called Samgyeopsal
It's a kind of barbeque (it's pork belly)

Rashers of bacon, grilled at the table and dipped in a mixture of sesame oil and salt. 

The price is nomally about 10,000~13,000Won( 10~13 USD )

for one person and served with various 

Korean Tv show-Running Man, Running Man member profile, how to watch running man online

What is the Running Man

Running Man  is a South Korean variety show; a part of SBS's Good Sunday lineup, along with Roommate. It was first aired on July 11, 

2010. This show was classified as an "urban action variety"; a never-before-seen new genre of variety shows focused in an urban environment.

The show has been popular in other parts of Asia as well, and gained online popularity among Hallyu(Korean wave) fans, having been subtitled to a number of languages by volunteers, such as English, Spanish, French, Thai, Malay, Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic and Brazilian Portugues

Running Man member profile

Yoo Jae Suk
Nickname: Nation’s MC , NO1 MC,Yoo Hyuk, Yooruce Willis

The main host of the show and known during the race missions for his escaping abilities. 
He is shown to have a closer relationship with a lot of the guests on the show, which he often boasts about to the other members. He is also often referenced to the color green throughout the show and is also known for his nickname "Grasshopper" from his first 

television appearance. Despite initially a weak player during the race missions, he later becomes one of the stronger players in the series. 

Lee Kwang-soo
Nickname: Giraffe, Kwang-vatar

The youngest and tallest member of the cast and initially introduced alongside Gary and Song Joong-ki as one of the "variety rookies" 

due to his lack of experience on variety shows prior to Running Man. During the earlier episodes he was known for framing his fellow 

members with embarrassing and often absurd rumours. He is often picked on by the rest of the cast, particularly Kim Jong-kook, due to his timid nature as well as similar appearance to the Na'vi species from Avatar. He is one of the weakest players during and is often 

one of the first to be eliminated during race missions. However, he has grown to easily betray his fellow members without concern. 

Kim Jong Kook
Nickname: Tiger,The Commander

The strongest man on the show, Kim Jong-kook is known for his strength and skill during the race missions. During the missions, he is 

known for his sudden appearances that are often accompanied by the soundbite "Sparta!" taken from the movie, 300. His smart tactics are often successful to eliminate the other members and as a result, he is known for having both brains and brawn. 

Ji Suk Jin
Nickname: Big Nose(Wang Ko), Impala

The oldest member of the show and one of Yu Jae-suk's closest friends, knowing each other for more than 20 years. He is shown to be jealous of the good relationship between Yu Jae-suk and Kim Jong-kook. During the race missions, he is shown to be one of the weakest 

members and is the easiest and most frequently eliminated out of the cast, so easily that the other members would declare that the race has officially started after his elimination.

Song Ji Hyo
Nickname: Ace, Mong Ji-hyo

The only current female member of the show, and initially only appeared as a guest but was added to the main cast in episode 6. During 

the earlier episodes, Song Ji-hyo was often known to swear during broadcasts especially towards Ha-ha and Lee Kwang-su. She is also 

known to be often seen with confused or blank facial expressions a lot of the time. Throughout the series, she has been involved in 

the primary loveline of the show alongside Gary. She is one of the strongest players and is referred to as an Ace during race missions 

with similar running and catching capabilities as well as comparable intelligence to Kim Jong-kook.

Nickname: Peaceful Gary

Featured as one of the "variety rookies", Gary is known as Peaceful Gary for his calm facial expressions during the Photo 

Zone Game and throughout the show. He is also known as Gae-colas Cage during the race mission, which is a parody of Nicolas Cage. He is frequently easily fooled by others and known for being clueless at times. Although shown to be quite clueless at times, he is shown to be quite strong during the race missions even managing to win both special race missions in order to find the best Running Man and winning a trip to Europe.

Nickname: Haroro

The primary joker of the cast and is usually picked on by other members because of his height and his similar appearance to Pororo the Little Penguin. He also has a tendency to feel as though he is the main lead in a movie created by his imagination. When things don't 

go his way, he lashes out verbally, causing great laughter among the cast. He is also the playboy of the cast, as he always confesses 

his love to female guests. He was initially a weak player during the race missions, occasionally being picked on even while on the chasing team, however he slowly improves over the course of the show.

How to watch running man online

Below URL Link is an URL channel of SBS, join it and make an ID on SBS and watch the running man online