The Walking Dead - Season1 - Tell It to the Frogs
Previously on AMC's The Walking Dead All
I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son.
There's us and the dead.
I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son.
There's us and the dead.
We survive this by pulling together, not apart.
Screw you, man.
See, if she's trapped, she's gone.
She's my sister! You son of a bitch! Don't leave me! Where's Glenn? ( Thunder rumbling ) Merle: That's right.
You heard me, bitch.
You got a problem? Bring it on if you're man enough, or take it up the chain if you're a pussy.
You heard me, you pussy-ass noncom bitch.
You ain't deaf.
Take it up the damn chain of command or you can kiss my lily-white ass.
( Laughs ) That's right.
That's what I said.
You heard me.
And then this idiot, he takes a swing, you know, and well ( Laughing hysterically ) Oh, you should've seen the
look on his face when I punched out his front teeth.
Yeah, five of 'em.
Pow! Pow! Just like that.
Oh my God.
Oh, that's what them teeth cost me.
That was That was hard time, but by God, it was worth every minute of it just to see that prick spit his teeth
out on the ground.
Yes sir, worth every minute.
( Wind blowing ) Oh no.
No no! No no! No no! God! God! No no! ( Grunts ) God! Jesus! No no, merciful Christ! No no.
No no.
God, help me! God! God! Jesus, please! Jesus, please.
Help me! Come on now! Help me.
( Zombies growling, banging ) ( Softly ) No no.
Oh, no no.
Oh my God.
Shh shh shh shh shh.
( Crying ) No, Jesus.
No no no no no no.
I didn't behave, I know.
I know I'm being punished.
I know.
I Oh, I deserve it.
I deserve it.
I've been bad.
Help me now.
Show me the way.
Go on, tell me what to do.
Tell me.
Tell me.
God! ( Grunting ) That's okay.
Never you mind, silly Christ boy.
I ain't begged you before.
I ain't gonna start begging now.
I ain't gonna beg you now! Don't you worry about me begging you ever! I'll never beg you! I ain't gonna beg
you! I never begged you before.
( Grunting ) ( Banging, growling continues ) Oh shit.
No! ( Theme music playing ) Best not to dwell on it.
Merle got left behind.
Nobody's gonna be sad he didn't come back Except maybe Daryl.
- Daryl? - His brother.
( Car alarm approaching ) ( Glenn whooping ) Whoo-hoo! At least somebody's having a good day.
- ( Rattling ) - ( Kids grunting ) - Girl: Give it back.
- Boy: Stop it.
- Girl: No! - Boy: I found it.
- Girl: No! - Boy: Give it.
Mijo, leave your sister alone.
- Why? - Come on.
Baby, the more you fidget, the longer it takes.
- So don't, okay? - I'm trying.
Well, try harder.
Shane: If you think this is bad, wait till you start shaving.
That stings.
That day comes, you'll be wishing for one of your mama's haircuts.
- I'll believe that when I see it.
- ( Shane chuckles ) I'll tell you what You just get through this with some manly dignity and tomorrow I'll
teach you something special.
I will teach you to catch frogs.
- I've caught a frog before.
- I said frogs plural.
And it is an art, my friend.
It is not to be taken lightly.
There are ways and means.
Few people know about it.
I'm willing to share my secrets.
Oh, I'm a girl.
You talk to him.
( Chuckles ) It's a one-time offer, bud not to be repeated.
Why do we need frogs, plural? - You ever eat frog legs? - Eww! - No, yum! - No, he's right.
When you get down to that last can of beans, you're gonna be loving those frog legs, lady.
I can see it now "Shane, do you think I could have a second helping, please? - Please? Just one?" - Yeah, I
doubt that.
( Chuckles ) Don't listen to her, man.
You and me, we'll be heroes.
We'll feed these folks cajun-style Kermit legs.
I would rather eat miss Piggy.
- Yes, that came out wrong.
- ( Shane laughs ) Heroes, son, spoken of in song and legend.
You and me, Shane and Carl.
- ( Carl and Shane laugh ) - ( Car alarm approaching ) Man: Hey, Dale, can you see what that is? Talk to me,
Dale! - I can't tell yet.
- Man: Let him get a good look at it.
Is it them? Are they back? Dale: I'll be damned.
- Amy: What is it? - A stolen car is my guess.
- Holy crap.
Turn that damn thing off! - I don't know how! - Pop the hood, please.
Pop the damn hood, please.
- My sister Andrea - Pop the damn hood! - What? Okay okay.
Yeah yeah yeah.
- Yeah yeah! - Is she okay? Is she all right? - She's okay! She's okay! - Is she coming back? - Glenn: Yes! -
Amy: Why isn't she with you? - Where is she? She's okay? - Yes! Yeah, fine.
Everybody is.
Well, Merle not so much.
Are you crazy, driving this wailing bastard up here? Are you trying to draw every walker for miles? - I think
we're okay.
- You call being stupid okay? Dale: Well, the alarm was echoing all over these hills.
Hard to pinpoint the source.
I'm not arguing.
I'm just saying.
It wouldn't hurt you to think things through a little more carefully next time, would it? Sorry.
Got a cool car.
( Truck approaches ) Come meet everybody.
( Engine stops ) ( Sliding door opens ) - Amy.
- ( Crying ) Andrea! - Oh! - Oh my God! You scared the shit out of me.
- Boy: Papi! Daddy! - Morales: Hey.
Come here, sweetie.
Morales: Hey.
I told you I'd be back, didn't I? ( Silent ) ( Whispers ) Dale: You are a welcome sight.
- ( Both laugh ) - I thought we had lost you folks for sure.
How'd y'all get out of there anyway? - New guy he got us out.
- Shane: New guy? Morales: Yeah, crazy vato just got into town.
- Hey, helicopter boy! Come say hello.
- ( Truck door shuts ) Morales: The guy's a cop like you.
( Whispers ) Oh my God.
Dad! Dad! ( Crying ) Carl.
Oh! - ( Crickets chirping ) - Rick: Disoriented.
I guess that comes closest.
Fear, confusion All those things but ( Thunder rumbling ) Disoriented comes closest.
Words can be meager things.
Sometimes they fall short.
Rick: I felt like I'd been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else.
For a while I thought I was trapped in some coma dream, something I might not wake up from ever.
Mom said you died.
She had every reason to believe that.
Don't you ever doubt it.
Lori: When things started to get really bad, they told me at the hospital that they were gonna medevac you and
the other patients to Atlanta, and it never happened.
Well, I'm not surprised after Atlanta fell.
- Lori: Yeah.
- And from the look of that hospital, it got overrun.
Yeah, looks don't deceive.
I barely got them out, you know? I can't tell you how grateful I am to you, Shane.
I can't begin to express it.
There go those words falling short again.
Paltry things.
( Wood clatters ) Hey, Ed, you want to rethink that log? It's cold, man.
The cold don't change the rules, does it? Keep our fires low, just embers - so we can't be seen from a
distance, right? - I said it's cold.
You should mind your own business for once.
Hey, Ed ( Pats ) ( Softly ) Are you sure you want to have this conversation, man? Go on.
Pull the damn thing out.
Go on! ( Mutters ) Christ.
( Wood thunks, sizzling ) Hey, Carol, Sophia, how are y'all this evening? - Fine.
We're just fine.
- Shane: Okay.
- I'm sorry about the fire.
- Shane: No no no.
No apology needed.
Y'all have a good night, okay? Thank you.
I appreciate the cooperation.
Dale: Have you given any thought to Daryl Dixon? He won't be happy to hear his brother was left behind.
I'll tell him.
I dropped the key.
It's on me.
I cuffed him.
That makes it mine.
Glenn: Guys, it's not a competition.
I don't mean to bring race into this, but it might sound better coming from a white guy.
I did what I did.
Hell if I'm gonna hide from him.
- We could lie.
- Or tell the truth.
Merle was out of control.
Something had to be done or he'd have gotten us killed.
Your husband did what was necessary.
And if Merle got left behind, it is nobody's fault but Merle's.
And that's what we tell Daryl? I don't see a rational discussion to be had from that, do you? Word to the wise
We're gonna have our hands full when he gets back from his hunt.
T-Dog: I was scared and I ran.
- I'm not ashamed of it.
- Andrea: We were all scared.
We all ran.
What's your point? I stopped long enough to chain that door.
Staircase is narrow.
Maybe half a dozen geeks can squeeze against it at any one time.
It's not enough to break through that Not that chain, not that padlock.
My point Dixon's alive and he's still up there, handcuffed on that roof.
That's on us.
I found you, didn't I? I love you, dad.
I love you, Carl.
I found you both.
I knew I would.
You're getting cocky now, a little bit.
No, I knew.
Walking into our home, finding an empty house, - both of you gone.
- I'm so sorry.
I knew you were alive.
- How? - ( Thunder rumbling ) The photos were gone, all our family albums.
( Chuckles ) I told you so.
Now you're getting cocky, huh? A lot.
It belongs in here.
Baby, I really thought I would never see you again.
I'm so sorry For everything.
I feel like When you were in the hospital, I just I wanted to take it all back The anger and the bad times.
But the mistakes Maybe we got a second chance.
Not many people get that.
I wondered where that went.
Do you want it back? Of course.
( Rain pattering ) He won't wake up.
( Thunder rumbling ) ( People chatting ) - Morning.
- Man: Morning.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Carol: Morning.
- Morning.
They're still a little damp.
The sun'll have 'em dry in no time.
- You washed my clothes? - Well, best we could.
Scrubbing on a washboard ain't half as good as my old maytag back home.
That's very kind.
Thank you.
- ( Tools clanging ) - Look at 'em.
Yeah, go on, strip it clean.
Generators need every drop of fuel they can get.
Got no power without it.
Sorry, Glenn.
Thought I'd get to drive it at least a few more days.
Maybe we'll get to steal another one someday.
Morning, officer.
You sleep okay? Better than in a long time.
( Chuckles ) Well, I didn't want to wake you.
I figured you could use it.
- God.
What? - I've been thinking about the man we left behind.
You're not serious.
( Car approaches ) Water's here, y'all.
Just a reminder to boil before use.
Are you asking me or telling me? - Asking.
- Well, I think it's crazy.
I think it is just the stupidest way - to break your - ( Woman screams ) - Carl: Mom! - Carl? Man: It's over
there! - Carl: Dad! - Lori: Baby! - Girl: Mama! Mommy! - Glenn: Rick! - Carl! - Over here, boy! Come on, come
on! Carl! Baby! - Mom! - You're okay! I've got him.
I've got him.
- Nothing bit you? Nothing scratched you? - No, I'm okay.
( Growling ) ( Gasps ) ( Men grunting ) It's the first one we've had up here.
They never come this far up the mountain.
Well, they're running out of food in the city, that's what.
- ( Branch snaps ) - ( Footsteps ) - Oh, Jesus.
- Man: Son of a bitch.
That's my deer! Look at it.
All gnawed on by this ( Kicking ) Filthy, disease-bearing, motherless poxy bastard! Calm down, son.
That's not helping.
What do you know about it, old man? Why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to "On Golden Pond"? I've
been tracking this deer for miles.
Gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison.
What do you think? Do you think we can cut around this chewed up part right here? I would not risk that.
( Sighs ) That's a damn shame.
I got some squirrel About a dozen or so.
That'll have to do.
Oh God.
Come on, people.
What the hell? It's gotta be the brain.
Don't y'all know nothing? Merle! Merle! Get your ugly ass out here! I got us some squirrel! Let's stew 'em up.
Shane: Daryl, just slow up a bit.
I need to talk to you.
About what? About Merle.
There was a There was a problem in Atlanta.
He dead? Shane: We're not sure.
He either is or he ain't! No easy way to say this, so I'll just say it.
- Who are you? - Rick Grimes.
Rick Grimes, you got something you want to tell me? Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him
on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal.
He's still there.
Hold on.
Let me process this.
You're saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there?! Yeah.
- ( Grunts ) - Hey.
T-Dog: Watch the knife! ( Shouts, grunting ) Shane: Okay.
- You'd best let me go! - Nah, I think it's better if I don't.
( Grunting ) Choke hold's illegal.
Shane: You can file a complaint.
Come on, man.
We'll keep this up all day.
I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic.
Do you think we can manage that? - Do you think we can manage that? - Shane: Hmm? Mmm.
( Panting ) What I did was not on a whim.
Your brother does not work and play well with others.
It's not Rick's fault.
I had the key.
- I dropped it.
- You couldn't pick it up? Well, I dropped it in a drain.
If it's supposed to make me feel better, it don't.
T-Dog: Well, maybe this will.
Look, I chained the door to the roof So the geeks couldn't get at him - With a padlock.
- It's gotta count for something.
Hell with all y'all! Just tell me where he is so's I can go get him.
Lori: He'll show you.
Isn't that right? I'm going back.
( Sighs ) So that's it, huh? You're just gonna walk off? Just to hell with everybody else? I'm not saying to
hell with anybody Not you, Shane; Lori least of all.
Tell her that.
She knows.
Well, look, I I don't, okay, Rick? So could you just Could you throw me a bone here, man? Could you just tell
me why? Why would you risk your life for a douche bag like Merle Dixon? - Hey, choose your words more
- No, I did.
Douche bag's what I meant.
Merle Dixon The guy wouldn't give you a glass of water - if you were dying of thirst.
- What he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me.
I can't let a man die of thirst me.
Thirst and exposure.
We left him like an animal caught in a trap.
That's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being.
So you and Daryl, that's your big plan? Oh, come on.
You know the way.
You've been there before In and out, no problem.
You said so yourself.
It's not fair of me to ask I know that, but I'd feel a lot better with you along.
I know she would too.
That's just great.
Now you're gonna risk three men, huh? - Four.
- ( Huffs ) My day just gets better and better, don't it? T-Dog: You see anybody else here stepping up to save
your brother's cracker ass? - Why you? - You wouldn't even begin to understand.
- You don't speak my language.
- That's four.
It's not just four.
You're putting every single one of us at risk.
Just know that, Rick.
Come on, you saw that walker.
It was here.
It was in camp.
They're moving out of the cities.
They come back, we need every able body we've got.
We need 'em here.
We need 'em to protect camp.
It seems to me what you really need most here - are more guns.
- Right, the guns.
- Wait.
What guns? - Six shotguns, two high-powered rifles, over a dozen handguns.
I cleaned out the cage back at the station before I left.
I dropped the bag in Atlanta when I got swarmed.
It's just sitting there on the street, waiting to be picked up.
- Ammo? - 700 rounds, assorted.
Lori: You went through hell to find us.
You just got here and you're gonna turn around and leave? Dad, I don't want you to go.
To hell with the guns.
Shane is right.
Merle Dixon? He's not worth one of your lives, even with guns thrown in.
Tell me.
Make me understand.
I owe a debt to a man I met and his little boy.
Lori, if they hadn't taken me in, I'd have died.
It's because of them that I made it back to you at all.
They said they'd follow me to Atlanta.
They'll walk into the same trap I did if I don't warn him.
What's stopping you? The walkie-talkie, the one in the bag I dropped.
He's got the other one.
Our plan was to connect when they got closer.
- These are our walkies? - Yeah.
So use the C.
What's wrong with that? The C.
's fine.
It's the walkies that suck to crap Date back to the '70s, don't match any other bandwidth Not even the
scanners in our cars.
I need that bag.
Okay? All right.
Rumor is you have bolt cutters.
- Maybe.
- Yeah, we get to that roof, though, we'll need to cut that chain and the handcuffs.
I never like lending tools.
The last time I did And yes, I am talking about you Let's just say your bag of guns wasn't the only bag that
was dropped.
My tools got left behind with Merle.
Rick: We'll bring your tools back too.
Think of the bolt cutters as an investment.
Sounds like more of a gamble.
- What do I get in return? - What do you want? How about one of those guns you bring back? - My pick.
- Done.
( Man clears throat ) Dale, let's Sweeten the deal a bit.
Now that cube van of yours What about it? The R.
's radiator hose is shot.
That's a problem if we need to get somewhere and wanna get very far.
And the hose on that van is just about a perfect match Well, enough that I can make it fit.
I'll tell you what We get back, you can strip that van down to the bare metal.
( Truck honks ) - Come on, let's go! - Thank you.
Hey, Rick, got any rounds in the python? No.
Last time we were on the gun range, I'm sure I wound up with a few loose rounds of yours.
You and that bag like the bottom of an old lady's purse.
I hate that you're doing this, man.
I think that it's foolish and reckless.
But if you're gonna go, you're taking bullets.
I'm not sure I'd want to fire a shot in the city, - not after what happened last time.
- That's up to you.
Well Four men, four rounds.
What are the odds, huh? Well, let's just hope that Let's just hope four is your lucky number, okay? - Thank
- All right.
( Truck starts, revving ) Hey.
( Sniffling ) You know, I bet they'll be just fine.
I'm not worried.
Are you? Yeah, a little.
Don't be.
- Why? - Think about it, mom.
Everything that's happened to him so far Nothing's killed him yet.
( Chuckles ) Better be ok.
It's my own *** I told you.
The geeks can't get at him.
Only thing is gonna get through that door is us.
We'll walk from here.
Lori: Dale.
- Have you seen Carl? - Shane took him down to the quarry.
There was some mighty bold talk about catching frogs.
( Women chatting ) I'm not getting anything.
Being all wily, staying submerged.
Little suckers, they know something's up.
That's what's going on.
Just going to have to do this the old-fashioned way.
All right, little man, look.
You are the you are the key in all this, okay? All I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go after one of them, all right,
scare the rest of them off.
They're all gonna scatter.
I'm gonna drive 'em your way.
- All right.
- What you need to do is you need to round up every bad boy you see, all right? Are you with me? - Yeah.
- Hells yeah.
Give me your mean face.
- ( Both growl ) - Yes sir.
Are you ready? - Yeah! - Are you ready? Here we go, boy.
Here we go.
All right, little man, they're coming your way.
They're coming your way.
Go on, get 'em, get 'em.
They're coming your way, come on.
Catch them frogs.
Catch them frogs.
They're coming, little man! Get 'em! Get that net in there and get 'em! I'm beginning to question the division
of labor here.
They're coming, little man! Get 'em! Get that net in there and get 'em! What have you got, bad boy? What do
you got? What do you got? - Dirt.
- Oh boy.
All right, we've got to start over.
- Come on, let's find this bucket.
- ( Both laughing ) Can someone explain to me how the women wound up doing all the Hattie McDaniel work? The
world ended.
Didn't you get the memo? It's just the way it is.
( Fence clatters ) - Merle first or guns? - Merle! - We ain't even having this conversation.
- ( Emphatically ) We are.
You know the geography.
It's your call.
Merle's closest.
The guns would mean doubling back.
Merle first.
( Scrubbing ) I do miss my maytag.
I miss my Benz, my sat nav.
I miss my coffeemaker with that dual-drip filter and built-in grinder, honey.
My computer And texting.
I miss my vibrator.
Oh! - ( Women laugh ) - Amy: Oh my God! - Me too.
- ( Women laughing louder ) What's so funny? Just swapping war stories, Ed.
( Water dripping ) Problem, Ed? Nothin' that concerns you.
And you ought to focus on your work.
- This ain't no comedy club.
- ( Huffs ) Hey, Carl, what did I tell you about not leaving Dale's sight? But Shane said we could catch
frogs, remember? It doesn't matter what Shane says.
It matters what I say.
- Go on back to camp.
- ( Sighs ) I'll be right behind you.
I've got to tell you, I do not think you should be taking this out on him.
You don't tell me what to do.
You lost that privilege.
Lori, could you just wait up a second? - I think we should talk.
We haven't had a chance - No.
No no.
That's over too.
You can tell that to the frogs.
Damn it, Lori.
Look, I don't know how it appears to you - or what you think - How it appears to me? I'm sorry.
Is there a gray area here? Let me dispel it.
You stay away from me.
You stay away from my son.
You don't look at him.
You don't talk to him.
From now on, my family is off-limits to you.
Lori, I don't think that's fair.
- Shane, shut up.
Don't! - I don't think that My husband is back.
He is alive.
He's my best friend.
Do you think I'm not happy about that?
How dare you? Why would you be? You are the one that told me that he
How dare you? Why would you be? You are the one that told me that he
You son of a bitch.
( Shuffling footsteps ) ( Growling ) Damn.
You are one ugly skank.
( Thuds ) Ed, tell you what You don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it
- Oh! - Ain't my job, missy.
- Andrea, don't.
- What is your job, Ed? Sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes? Well, it sure as hell ain't listening to some
uppity smart-mouthed bitch.
Tell you what Come on.
Let's go! I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you, Ed.
And I say it's none of your business.
Come on now.
- You heard me.
- Carol.
Andrea, please.
It doesn't matter.
Hey, don't think I won't knock you on your ass just 'cause you're some college-educated cooze, - all right? -
( Gasps ) Now you come on now or you gonna regret it later.
So she can show up with fresh bruises later, Ed? - Yeah, we've seen them.
- ( Laughs ) Stay out of this.
Now come on! You know what? This ain't none of y'all's business.
You don't want to keep prodding the bull here, okay? Now I am done talking.
Come on.
- No no.
Carol, you don't have - ( Carol mutters ) You don't tell me what! I tell you what! ( Clamoring ) - You think
you can - Get off her! - Come here! Come here! - Get off her! - Get off her! Get off her! - Get off me! - ( Ed
grunting ) - Carol: Ed? - Amy: It's okay.
It's okay.
- Carol: No! - It's okay.
- No! - ( Women yelling ) - Amy: Shane, stop! Just stop! Carol: Stop it! - Stop! - You put your hands on your
wife, your little girl or anybody else in this camp one more time, I will not stop next time.
Do you hear me? - Do you hear me?! - ( Slurs ) Yes.
- I'll beat you to death, Ed.
- Carol: Ed! Oh God! ( Crying ) No.
- God! - ( Grunts ) ( Crying ) Ed, I'm sorry.
Oh my God.
Ed, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, Ed.
Ed, I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, Ed.
- ( Coughing ) ( Chain rattles ) Daryl: Merle! Merle! No! No! No! No! No!
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